
More About Feeding


Commercial Turtle Food for Your Box Turtle

A number of different manufacturers make some type of turtle food. It's not really necessary, but if you're worried about making sure your box turtle's diet is complete, these products can help. High-quality prepared turtle foods contain the right amount of protein and all the right vitamins and minerals. You may still need to supplement calcium, depending on the food you use.

Just like dog and cat food, you can find box turtle food in both canned and dry forms. Some turtles may not want to eat the dry food. If that happens, wet it slightly. Your turtle might also prefer his pellets mixed with some fruits and/or vegetables.

Box turtle foods made by companies that specialize in reptiles are your best bet:

  • Rep-Cal Box Turtle Food
  • T-Rex Box Turtle Food
  • Zoo Med Box Turtle Food

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Please note: The information on this site is not veterinary advice, and we are not veterinarians. Even box turtle experts don't completely agree on how best to care for these animals or how to best meet their needs. Use your best judgement when using the information on this site, and understand that it is not a substitute for veterinary advice or common sense.

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