Give your box turtle the calcium and Vitamin D3 his body needs for strong, healthy bones and shell—all in one shot with Zoo Med’s Repti Calcium with D3.
Adding calcium to his diet won’t do any good if his body doesn’t also have the D3 it needs to use calcium. With this product, you give him both right on his food.
It’s a pure, fine powder that coats his food, so you can be sure he’s eating it.
Then you can have peace of mind knowing you’re giving him a good chance at a longer, healthier life.
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Repti Calcium With D3 Ingredients and Sizes
This Repti Calcium product contains a purified calcium carbonate that has a high surface area per gram, making it easier for your pet’s body to absorb and use it.
It doesn’t contain impurities, like lead and other metals, that can harm your pet. These impurities are often found in calcium made from oyster shells, and they make the supplement look gray. This product is bright white.
Calcium carbonate generally contains around 40% calcium, and according to Zoo Med’s guaranteed analysis, this product contains a minimum of 38% and a maximum of 43% calcium.
It also contains cholecalciferol as a source of Vitamin D3. This vitamin is important for your box turtle’s body to be able to use the calcium you’ve just given him. If your pet doesn’t get enough UVB exposure (either from a UV lamp or natural sunlight) to be able to make this vitamin on his own, adding it to his diet is very important.
Too much vitamin D can actually hurt your pet, so you do need to be careful. But the levels in this product are safe as long as you use it according to the directions.
(If your boxie doesn’t need the extra vitamin D, you might prefer Repti Calcium without D3).
Repti Calcium comes in 4 sizes:
- 3 ounces
- 8 ounces
- 12 ounces
- 48 ounces
Repti Calcium is made in the USA.
How to Use Repti Calcium
Since this stuff does contain Vitamin D, you want to be sure you don’t give too much. Zoo Med includes instructions for feeding both insectivores (animals that eat only insects, no plant) and herbivores (animals that eat only plants).
Your box turtle is an omnivore (eats both plants and animals), so you can choose which method works best for you.
- Insectivores: Shake insects and a little Repti Calcium together in a bag. For every 2.5 ounces your pet weighs, give him around 12 crickets coated (dusted) this way each week (they don’t all have to be fed at once!).
- Herbivores: Use 1/2 teaspoon Repti Calcium per 5 ounces of body weight. Mix it into your pet’s food. Again, this is a weekly amount, and you can divide the total amount up among several feedings.
As simple as that, your pet gets important calcium plus the vitamin D he needs to use that calcium to stay healthy.
Does Your Box Turtle Need Repti Calcium With D3?
Reptiles do need both calcium and Vitamin D3 to stay healthy. But they don’t necessarily have to get it in supplement form.
It depends on whether they’re getting what they need from their environment and diet.
It can be hard to know for sure if your pet is getting enough calcium in his diet. If you know he is, then he shouldn’t need a calcium supplement. If he’s not, then he needs at least the Repti Calcium without D3.
In order to use the calcium, though, he needs Vitamin D3. If you use a UVB lamp and/or give him lots of time outside, then his body should be able to make the D3 he needs. But if you’re not doing these things for him, then he needs both calcium and D3. This product may be the answer.
But if you’re not sure if your pet needs this (or any) supplement, check with your vet.
Pros and Cons of Zoo Med Repti Calcium With D3

This product seems to have many more pros than cons. Reviewers love it, and their pets are healthy and happy. A few did have trouble with it clumping.
- Fine powder that (usually) coats food easily
- Fine powder has a high surface area per gram, for better bioavailability (your pet’s body can absorb it better)
- Vitamin D3 added, which helps your pet’s body use the calcium
- Pure product, without impurities like lead
Although reviewers like what this product does for their pets, a few did find it hard to use. Complaints included that the product seemed damp and clumped, so it wouldn’t coat the food evenly. Also, the fine powder may clog the sifter holes, making it hard to shake out.
Most reviewers did not seem to have these problems.
Check Prices and Availability
If you’re ready to add Repti Calcium with D3 to your boxie’s (or other reptile’s!) diet, here are some places to find it. Check to see who has the best deals today:
- PetSmart appears to sell only the 3-ounce size
- The 3-ounce bottle was also the only size we found at PetCo
- Amazon sells all four sizes (the 3-ounce bottle is available as an add-on item)
- You can find the 3-oz and 8-oz sizes at Pet Mountain