Turtles like to play outside, too! So give them the chance with this Zoo Med Tortoise Play-Pen. It has an “open” side, without a floor and covered with an open mesh, to let your turtle enjoy the sunlight, graze and maybe even hunt a few insects. The other end is enclosed, for shade and sleeping.
Sunlight provides your box turtle with UVB rays, which are important for bone and shell growth and overall health. Just make sure one end (the enclosed side) is in shade, you your pets can regulate their own temperature. And put water out for them, too!
Zoo Med recommends you not use it in the rain or cold weather. And it’s not supposed to be a permanent enclosure, just a safe way to let your pet outside.
It’s best for smaller animals and no more than two adult or six baby animals.
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. Size Quality & Durability Ease of Use
. Pros & Cons Summary Where to Buy
This turtle play-pen is 39.5 inches long x 19 inches wide by 16 inches tall, according to the Zoo Med website. This is plenty big enough for one or two box turtles to be active outside. Since most of the area doesn’t have a floor, this means they can also graze on the grass (always make sure you put it on grass that has not been treated with pesticides!).
Similar to the Tortoise House, some reviewers found it too small for their tortoises. But again, it’s likely they had adults of larger species of tortoise. Zoo Med recommends using this play-pen for animals up to about 6 inches. This fits most box turtles. A few can get to be around 8 or 9 inches. If you do have a bigger animal, you may need to decide fi this pen will meeet your needs. If you’re only using it for one turtle, it may still be just fine. After all, you’re not using it as a permanent house, just a safe way for him to get a few hours out in the sun and fresh air.
Quality and Durability
The Tortoise House is made of strong, quality materials, and the pieces seem to fit together securely.
It has a latching door into the enclosed sleeping area for easy access.
Although it’s solid, it’s also lightweight enough to carry without too much trouble. That does mean that an animal could also overturn it. So you don’t really want to leave your box turtle in it unsupervised. An uninvited dog or other visitor could get in fairly easily. And without a floor, your turtles could also dig their way out. They’re little escape artists, and since this is not a permanent outdoor home, it’s not escape-proofed.
Tortoise Play-Pen Ease of Use
Reviewers generally agree this thing’s simple to put together. It’s just 8 pieces that screw together. Holes for the screws are pre-drilled, and the instructions tell you which size screw to use at each step. It’s almost fool-proof!
If you can use a Phillips screwdriver, you should have no trouble. If not, well, you must know someone who can! The Zoo Med site also has a short video showing assembly (along with tips for making sure the pieces are facing the right way before you secure them into place).
Zoo Med does recommend that you keep the door locked while your turtles are inside. And it couldn’t hurt to landscape it a little. Definitely put a water bowl in one corner. And consider adding a basking rock. But don’t put in too much, either. You want your pet to be able to move!
Playpen Pros & Cons Summary

For the most part, reviews of the play-pen are positive. The only real draw-back seems to be that it’s not suitable for adults of larger species of tortoise. But if you’re on this page, you probably have a box turtle, and you most likely don’t need to worry about that!
- Simple to put together
- Sturdy wooden pieces
- Allows your turtle to safely graze on grass
- Has covered area your pet can retreat to
- Only recommended for turtles up to 6 inches
- Two adult turtles maximum in one pen
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