Posted on: 2018-11-21 14:26:12

You can share a bit of your Thanksgiving meal with your box turtle. Just don’t overdo it.
Are you enjoying a Thanksgiving feast with family and friends? If you’re in the US, we hope you are!
And are you sharing that feast with your pets? Many people do!
Of course, it’s important to be sure you’re sharing safely. Social media is awash with guidelines for dogs & cats. There’s lots of traditional Thanksgiving foods they can’t have.
But what about your box turtles? Can they enjoy a bit of Thanksgiving too?
There’s plenty of foods from a traditional Thanksgiving menu your box turtle can eat.
Thanksgiving protein for your boxie
If you’re going with a traditional turkey, share a bit of cooked meat with your pet. But make it unseasoned meat. And never skin!
If you’ve rubbed seasoning on the skin or the meat under the skin, cut your pet’s portion from the meat farther from the skin.
Even better, slice off a bit of raw meat before seasoning the bird & boil that separately for your pet.
Are you having a different meat for your meal? Do the same thing!
- Chicken
- Pork
- Duck (this can be a bit fatty, so just a tiny bit)
- Steak
But not ham. Processed, salty foods aren’t a good choice for your box turtles.
Thanksgiving fruits & vegetables for your boxie
You have lots of choices here!
Save a bit of these before turning them into casseroles:
- Sweet potato (lightly steamed and/or grated makes them easier to eat)
- Green beans
- Squash
Other sides your boxie may enjoy (unseasoned/un-sauced):
- Cranberries (the fresh berries, not canned sauce!)
- Broccoli
- Beets
- Cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- Corn
Many of these are things you should feed only occasionally, but since Thanksgiving is only once a year, that qualifies!
Dessert can also be box turtle friendly … sort of.
If you’re making pumpkin or apple pie you may be able to share. But only if you’re using fresh pumpkins or apples. Or plain pureed pumpkin. Not prepared pie fillings. Set aside a bit of the pumpkin or apple for your pet & then make your pie!
Make a nice salad of a few of the fruits & veggies, along with the meat. Then let your boxie feast! But don’t feed more than you normally would. It’s a special occasion, not an excuse for a free-for-all! (What you do at your own meal is up to you 😉 ).
So will you be sharing your Thanksgiving with your box turtle this year?